
Electric Vehicle charging point in car park

How Many Viable EV Public Chargers Do We Actually Have?

The latest news from Zap-Map suggests that there are over 28,000 public…
November 28, 2019/by Jamie Powis

Baringa and Field Dynamics joint press statement on EDF’s acquisition of Pivot Power

Baringa Partners and Field Dynamics are pleased to have supported…
November 8, 2019/by Jamie Powis

Why Company Cars will be the EV’s Saviour… and its Biggest Problem

What’s interesting about the UK car market isn’t its size…
September 6, 2019/by Jamie Powis
handshake across desk, deal-making

We’re on G-Cloud 11

Does your organisation need to procure innovative solutions via…
July 8, 2019/by Jamie Powis
Arial view of houses on housing estate

SP Energy Networks & Field Dynamics accelerates UK’s plans for electric vehicles using ground-breaking modelling tool

One of the UK’s biggest electricity distributors will speed…
June 27, 2019/by Jamie Powis

5 Lessons From Going Electric

A year ago this week my wife and I took the plunge, sold our…
May 10, 2019/by Jamie Powis

EV Adoption – Why the Answer is in French Cheese

The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) deal that went…
May 6, 2019/by Jamie Powis
yellow bicycles stacked on a public rack

What’s Happening to Make MaaS a Reality?

March 29, 2019/by Jamie Powis
London Tower Bridge with traffic

An Exploration of Some of the Benefits of Mobility as a Service (MaaS)

March 11, 2019/by Jamie Powis

Will Home Battery Storage Kill-off V2G Before it Even Starts?

Vehicle to Grid (V2G) is a great concept. We could balance the…
March 1, 2019/by Jamie Powis
Tesla Charging Points with parking bays in front

3 reasons why we shouldn’t listen to today’s EV drivers

February 27, 2019/by Jamie Powis
commuters on platform

How is Mobility as a Service (MaaS) being Realised?

February 25, 2019/by Jamie Powis